Piotr Czajek
1 min readApr 17, 2021

NFT PLUS DEFI = OORT on steroids

Oort Digital is a very interesting project. It is one of the first crypto projects to focus solely on building the entire GameFi ecosystem. Oort Digital will be the place where you can play NFT in one place.They are building a decentralized NFT data marketplace that allows you to store, send, borrow, lease, trade, mine, and play games with your NFTs. They aim to build a super account for NFTs to be played out in variety of ways with seamless user experience in mind. Oort Digital’s ultimate goal is to add the DeFi layer on top of the whole Metaverse.
Oort Digital is building a decentralized NFT data marketplace to document NFT trading prices, interest, and so on through NFT leasing, trading, collateralized market to provide a benchmark of NFT valuation. Oort Heroes will be created with different clans. For each future partnership we have, Oort will create a special clan.
If the creators will follow the assumptions. The project will be a hit. More and more people have an NFT, here they will be able to earn money
WEB: https://oortdigital.tech/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/oortdigital
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/oort-digital